
If you have reached this site, that means you are someone who loves stargazing and want to explore the Universe by making a big telescope. On this site, I will take you through the steps to grind and polish a mirror to a parabolic shape to make your own very excellent Telescope. Just follow the steps and you are done!

Something about Me. My name is Asif Khan and I live in Mumbai, India. Like you, I love astronomy and stargazing. I made my first telescope when I was in 9th Standard (probably 13-14 years of age). Though the telescope was great looking! it was awful in performance (I knew and others did not notice it).

Anyway, On this site I have documented how I made my first 6 inch, F/8 Newtonian Reflector Telescope. If you follow the content, you should be able to make one on your own. In future, I will be documenting 8 inch, F/6 and 12 inch, F/5 telescope making projects.

Amateur Telescope Making (ATM) is a big hobby in USA but not in India. Telescope making information is not easily available in India. You will not find any other Indian website which may have the entire process clearly documented to help a novice.

Few things about this site. I have designed it in such a way so you can easily browse through the content without any hassle or difficulty.

When you land on the main page (https://astrokhan.wordpress.com), it will show you three Foucault shadowgrams of my 6″, F/8 mirror. These shadowgrams were taken during the testing and parabolizing the mirror. Below the shadowgrams I have given some introductory content about the telescope making.

Below the content I have given Image links to separate pages for Materials, Griding, Polishing, Testing, Figuring and Assembling. All the instructions given on these pages are primarily intended to 6″ F/8 mirror but are equally applicable to other size mirrors. These pages have their own subpages which are included in these subpages with appropriate links.

For ease of navigation, I have given listing of all site pages and subpages at the bottom. You can easily see how the content is arranged and it is also helpful if you want to read the individual contents.

Below the site pages, I have given a section of all the blogs I write frequently. If you subscribe to my site or follow it, you will get a notification on your email whenever I write any new blog.

Below that I have added sections for Categories and Archive for all blog pages.

My site is evolving, and I will keep updating the contents. If you have any questions, please email me. I will try to answer with best of my knowledge and ability.

PLEASE NOTE, I am not an expert 🙂 {and usually nobody is}. Telescope making it an ART and it is not the tough one. Anybody can learn making a telescope with dedication and patience (most required).

Now go ahead and start making your own Telescope!

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